Mother’s day Special! Carnation cake / 카네이션 케이크

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Mother’s day will blossom. Give thanks with flowers on a carnation cake you bake HTC_카네이션케이크_900_01 Ingredients ( 1 cake) 1pkg Your choice of cake mix (angel cake or French vanilla) Strawberry Chocolate 260g Sugar 25g Whipped cream 250ml 5ea Strawberry HTC_카네이션케이크_900_03 1. Make your favorite cake following the direction in the package. Cut into 3 layers. and Heat water to warm temperature and put a bowl of strawberry chocolate on top. Keep stirring. Pour it on marble or acrylic, spread it into thin flat layer. Once it’s harden, scrape out and roll it to make petals. Repeat 2-3 times. HTC_카네이션케이크_900_05 2. Make whipped cream and slice strawberries. Spread cream on the cake and place strawberries, and cover with the cream again. Repeat one more. Ice the cake. HTC_카네이션케이크_900_07 3. Top with chocolate petals. Fill the center with strawberries and layer petals on top. HTC_카네이션케이크_900_09 Voila! Have a beautiful blossom on your cake! Happy mother’s day!   KVD_나가사키짬뽕_HTC_Final_900_12_02
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