H Mart Virginia Kakaotalk Channel - What is H Mart to me?

H Mart Kakaotalk Channel “What is H Mart to me?” event!

Give us a word and you are entered in to our event.

Let me know what you get for giving us a word!


H마트 카카오톡 채널 “나에게 H마트란?” 이벤트!

1:1 채팅으로 H마트를 한문장으로 표현해주세요.

심사를 통해 푸짐한 경품을 드립니다!


Judging Standard: Winners will be selected by H Mart event officials based on creativity, affection, and attention to form and language.

All selections will be final and at the discretion of H Mart event officials

심사 기준: H마트를 향한 고객님의 애정어린 마음과 창의적인 표현


Event period: 12/13/2019 - 02/09/2020

Winner announcement: 02/14/2020

Who can participate? H Mart customer who is friend with H Mart Virginia Channel


이벤트 기간: 12/13/2019 - 02/09/2020

당첨자 발표: 02/14/2020

이벤트 대상 : H마트 Virginia 카카오톡 채널을 친구추가한 모든 고객분들


☞상품 수령 방법: 상품 수령은 오직 버지니아주 H Mart에서 가능합니다.
(H Mart Falls Church / H Mart Burke / H Mart Herndon 중 택 1)
Prize Pick-up: Winners can pick up prizes at only H Mart Virginia. 
( H Mart Falls Church, H Mart Burke or  H Mart Herndon)


H Mart Virginia KAKAOTALK Channel ID: hmart_va

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