Pocky cake / 빼빼로케이크

Share your love story made into a cake! Pocky cake, a recipe made for relationship success!

빼빼로데이가 얼마 남지않았어요! 간단하고 귀여운 빼빼로케이크로 마음을 전달해보세요!

Ingredients (1 cake 6inch)
7pkg midi pocky (shorter and thicker than regular pocky)
1ea chocolate cake mix
1cup strawberry
4cups whipped cream
2tbsp sugar syrup
1tbsp corn syrup
Mint leaves

1. Make a chocolate cake following the instruction on the mix package. Cut in 3 layers.


2. Place cake sheet on icing stand. Brush sugar syrup and layer whipped cream. Repeat one more time and cover with the last cake sheet. Ice with whipped cream. 

3. Attach pocky along the side of cake. Top with strawberries and brush with corn syrup. 

Garnish with mint leaves to complete this adorable gift!

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