Japanese Steamed egg (Chawanmushi) / 푸딩계란찜

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An omelet that’s so much tastier, it’s steamed egg that melts in your mouth. Every bite is packed with umami! HTC_푸딩계란찜_final_900_01Ingredients (serving 3) 3Eggs 2cup Dashi Stock 2tsp Japanese Soy Sauce 1/2tsp Salt 1tsp Mirin 1tsp Fine White Sugar 100g Chicken Thigh, boneless, skinless and diced. 1 Shiitake Mushroom, Sliced in three 3 Medium shrimp 3 slices of Japanese Fish Cake Topping : salmon row, radish sprout   HTC_푸딩계란찜_final_900_03 1. Lightly beat eggs in a large bowl using chopsticks. Try not to make bubble on the eggs. 2. Mix cool dashi soup stock, soy sauce, salt, mirin, and sugar in another bowl. Add the dashi mixture into the egg mixture gradually and mix well. Strain the egg mixture for smoother texture.   HTC_푸딩계란찜_final_900_053. Put mushrooms, chicken, fish cake into three chawanmushi cups, or tea cups. Fill each cup to 3/4 full with the egg mixture through a sieve. Cover the cups with aluminum foil.   HTC_푸딩계란찜_final_900_074. Boil 1-2cup water in a large pot and turn down the heat to low. Carefully place cups into the pot. Make sure the water doesn’t go over the cups. Steam for about 10-15 minutes.   HTC_푸딩계란찜_final_900_095. Poke a toothpick in the chawanmushi and if it comes out clear, it's ready to eat. Garnish with salmon row or some greens and serve hot.   KVD_나가사키짬뽕_HTC_Final_900_12_02
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