Egg Sushi / 계란초밥

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Your new favorite Easter treat! Lighten up your Easter with fluffy, cute egg sushi. So much fun to make and delicious to eat. 계란초밥900_01 Ingredients (serving size: 2) 5 eggs 1tbsp sugar 80ml water 1tbsp mirin 1tbsp potato starch 3cups of rice Seaweed paper Rice sauce : 2tbsp vinegar, 1tbsp sugar, 1tsp salt   계란초밥900_03 1. In a large bowl, mix warm cooked rice, vinegar, sugar, and salt. Mix lightly with a spatula. Cover with a linen and set aside.   계란초밥900_05 2. Beat 5 eggs with sugar, salt, water, mirin, and potato starch with a whisk. Stir to get them as smooth as possible. Sift once or twice to get finer texture.   계란초밥900_07 3. Over a well-oiled pan, pour little bit of egg mixture to cover the pan thinly. Spread as if you are making a crepe.   계란초밥900_09 4. When the egg is cooked, roll it and move it to the back of the pan. Add more oil to the pan. Pour more of the mixture; make sure you get it under the roll. Repeat until you are out of mixture.   계란초밥900_11 5. Take a bite-size from the rice bowl and shape into balls. Make sure you flatten the top to place the eggs.   계란초밥900_13 계란초밥900_15 6. Wrap the egg and rice with strips of seaweed paper. Tada! It’s all done. If you want to go extra cute and extraordinary, give little faces to eggs using seaweed paper.   KVD로고
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